Avogadro constant
- 网络阿伏伽德罗常数;阿伏加德罗常数;阿佛加德罗常数;阿伏伽德罗常量;亚佛加厥常数

Proposals Concerning the Modifications of " Amount of Substance ", " mol " and the Definition and Symbol of Avogadro Constant
In the meanwhile , re-determination has been made on " Avogadro constant " as well as on atomic weights of a number of elements .
Measurement of Avogadro Constant
Through the international cooperation the metrologists are striving to redefine the mass standard depending on unchanging properties of nature based on the concept of Avogadro constant and planck 's constant .
The question is raised whether it would not be useful to define the Avogadro constant to 6 significant digits exactly , pending a further improvement of its determination to an uncertainty of < 1 · 10 - 7 N A.
By measuring the volume of hydrogen gas which is produced by an amount of metal reaction with excessive dilute acid , the number of hydrogen moleculars can be calculated from the gaseous state equation and the mass of hydrogen molecular , thereby , Avogadro constant can be obtained